Thursday, November 3, 2011

Reflection on Classroom Technology

     I have come to realize that if one doesn’t embrace and utilize technology, they can very quickly be left behind.  We are in a 21st century that uses technology in all facets of life.  Yet often school and instruction is the last to embrace and utilize technology.  With my ELED 3300 college class I have been required to complete several projects.  While some of these projects have been extremely time consuming, the value I see in these assignments can be of great help in my future classroom.
     The first project was the bog assignment.  Blogs are an excellent tool to use for a classroom.  A blog may be created for either the class or a particular subject.  Open-ended questions could be presented and the blog will open up great discussions. Students may feel more comfortable posting responses online in a blog rather than open discussions in class.  I feel blogging is of great value and I intend in using the tool on a regular basis.  Here is a short video giving a breakdown on blogs:

The next project was the class website.  This took a great deal of time, but the value I see in this is amazing.  TeacherWeb is an excellent site that assists in creating your own class site.  There is so much information a teacher can put on their class website.  Not only could there be class assignments, but calendars, links for extended learning, due dates, bios in the students, pictures, and the list goes on and on.  A fully intend on having a very extensive class website that will appeal to my students, parents, and colleagues.  It is a tool that is under utilized.  Currently, both of my daughter’s class websites are dead links.  I think what a waste!  The teachers are always sending tons of papers home that could easily be put on a site and we could save paper.  Not to mention, a lot of questions could be answered through a class website rather than a constant note from home.
     Technology has to be embraced and utilized.  The above, blogs, and class websites are just two tools of the many I plan to utilize.  While the upfront investment of time may be great, the end result will be wonderful!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

21st Century Teachers

The world is ever evolving; we are in an amazing technological revolution.  It seems the advances in technology are exponential.  We purchase a TV, phone, computer, or iPod and it become dated and obsolete overnight.  The pace is amazing and we have to keep up.  Learning, teaching, and communication all rely on technology of the 21st century, yet our school systems and mind-sets of many educators remain in the 20th century. 
 The first video “21st  Teachers” is a melodic song that exposes the antiquated teaching methods of teachers, administrators, and those who make school related decisions.  I am in total agreement with the message of this video.  We have only begun to accept technology.  Even in schools that feel they are ahead of the curve, they are still extremely restrictive.  Several schools in Davidson County I am familiar with have awesome technology in iPads, iPods, Mac computers, Kindle’s, and video conferencing equipment, yet the use is extremely limited and many teachers are not using the technology because they either do not know how, or they have commented that it is a distraction.  Facebook, YouTube, Teacher Tube, image searches, these are all blocked!  Yes you have to filter some content, but at such extremes is wrong and hindering our students.  These are resources that can enrich a classroom.  This is a missed opportunity and we are putting our students at a disadvantage with this mind-set. 

The second video shows the many uses of technology and how enriching it can be in a classroom.  The level of learning can be amazing when integrating this technology.  I think of digital storytelling, scripted movies students create, and the use of digital cameras and how these all can take learning to an all-new level.  Just stop and think about learning about the events of the Civil War for a minute.  Would you prefer learning from text, or by taking a virtual field trip?  Or would you prefer seeing videos, presentations, a student produced recreated scene mixed with audio and music?  Think of how much more will be learned from a rich learning environment.  The task of using technology will be overwhelming at first and time consuming, but just think of the results that await you as the teacher, and above all your wonderful students.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mr. Winkle Wakes

          A humorous, but hard hitting short animated video created by Mathew Needlemen on the dated and antiquated method of teaching found in many school systems across the nation.  Mr. Winkle awakes from a 100-year sleep to find the world has highly evolved utilizing technology in most facets of life.  Yet when he steps into a school he finds comfort in the methods and simplicity of teaching that he was accustomed to 100 years ago.
          The video is humorous, but sad in that there are many schools using the same teaching methods that have been used for many years.  Many methods are old, ineffective, and antiquated.  Technology is all around us, yet some are resisting by clinging to outdated teaching models and methods.  Lecture unfortunately is still very common in our school systems, yet it is one of the least affective methods of teaching and learning.  As our world becomes more and more globalized and technology becomes integrated in all facets of our lives, should we continue to resist its use in our schools?  The answer should be no!  We must embrace and utilize the plethora of technology that we have at our disposal.  The use of technology in our instruction will only better equip today’s youth and prepare them for the future.
Schools need to embrace technology TODAY, not in the near future! 

uploaded by lifelonglearners on youtube March 20,  2008

Friday, September 16, 2011

Background of a nontrad student

As a father of 2 daughters, being married for 17 years now, and having been a road and bridge engineer of over 15 years, I consider myself a "nontraditional student".  After many years in the business world, our booming economy blessed me with unemployment.  So, with much thought and prayer and the urging and blessings from my family I set out on this great odyssey.  I am now 18 months into my education and have accomplished a great deal.  I have completed 85 hours at MTSU and have a 3.96 GPA.  I would like to say it has been easy juggling school and family, but that would be a lie.  It has been difficult, but the rewards have been awesome.  Teaching I know will be difficult, but rewards and happiness await me.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Test Run

I am trying this blog thing out and it's pretty cool.  I am new to this!